I love pat! (make sure you look at the whole page, I write stuff)
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Even more Pat pics

pics of the greatness that is me

more Pat pics for u

and more Pics of Pat


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Catalog Page

crappy pics page

a pathetic excuse for a pics page

a whatever page

Welcome To My Home Page!
In this site you get to learn about the goodness that is Patricia Quinn! She is a wonderful actress and you will learn everything there is to know about her in this site! You will hear stuff you care about, and stuff that has no point but it gives you something to tell your friends right?

So I hope you enjoy the site, and feel free to E-mail me, and if you take anything, just link to my site OK? Thanks a bunch, enjoy! You will also see just how wonderful I am with computers....don't laugh stupidity is catching!

and by the way I am not done yet, this is the kind of site that never really gets finished, cause I add things al the time, so check back often!

oh and make sure you scroll all the way down and side to side on each page, cause I add lots of fun things there!
my stuff that I say so you have something to read and so you can laugh at my PAIN!
7/13/01 ok I am out of school, and it is Friday the 13th yay! uh, I know I haven't done anything around here for awhile, but i did change some things, so yay! My other site is up and running and has 3 fics! SO yay! www.magentakitty.50megs.com and don't worry, it will look cooler soon, so will this one, never fear, I am here and back in the game of cool siteness!
Why Pat is so spiffy
Well Pat is so spiffy cause she can act, sing, and dance all at once! She is just the sexiest thing alive, and even being over 50 she still looks really damn good! She has amazing talent as a performer, and I admire her very much, besides nobodys legs look as good as hers do in fishnets!
I also like her because (aside from the fact that she is really hot, I can't get over that)she stands up for what she believes in, not many people stand up for things because of the fear of getting in trouble, Pat doesn't seem to care. So I like Pat (duh) and this site is dedicated to the greatness that is her!

E-mail me and tell me what you think, I know that all sites say that, but I really like getting mail, you can insult me if you want, I don't care (you'll just get a voodoo curse put on your house....)


this should be a counter...oooo

send me stuff!
If you have any info, or found something wrong with my site, or just think I am great (or a moron) then E-mail me!
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