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Links I feel deserve to be here (if your site is on the list you get a gold star and a cookie!)
These are Pat related links, or just links I really like, but most all of them are RHPS related, or have something to do with Shock Treatment!!

Remember: it's important to regularly change the content on your site and make updates to the information that you display. Doing this will help you to get more return visitors.


fan fiction! ooo fan fics rule
no this isn't RH but click it! this is about the best web comic ever!
another fun comic if this link doesn't work, just go to exploitation now (don't put a space) .com, it is so very funny!
my second site more goodness for you, GO THERE!

Favorite Sites
The house of Sean My brother's site, it will eventually have RHPS stuff on it, as he finds it interesting, but basically it's still under construction, and about him, if you can't yet tell I am not average, he isn't either...
cosmos factory Very good site, I love the interactive story, I have even written a few chapters hehe.
jamey's site This is a good site, audience participation script, chat room, and lots more
If you wanna buy a costume... As soon as I get some cash I am buying a costume from this lady, she is very talented.
witchluvs page Just go, its a spiffy page
Melissa's Shock Treatment page I love this site!
Rare RHPS pics Now if i really need to describe this site to you...
great links page lotsa sites
My buddy Melanie's Crazy site This has nothing to do with RHPS or ST, but its crazy...it really is